
Learning Outcome 5 – Exemplify ethical practices of technology Learning Outcome 4 – Apply research to support learning in a technology-enhanced environment usage.

This class will be a History Studies Literature class and the grade level is Sophomore who I challenge to Comprehension and knowledge and Analysis the context The plan would consist of visual, auditory Kinesthetic learner.  I will organize the lesson to deal with certain learning styles. My objective is to be able to assess students in knowledge. The unit will consist of demonstrate the story through role playing. There will also be a test at the end of the lesson.  Students will be able to work in a group to collect information on the History of Thanksgiving and to conduct student’s research and to apply requirements through technology and video and reading material. This requirement will meet the standard of guidelines used to complete paper.   Students will be able to orally and writing effectively in the discover of American History and the significant of the first Thanksgiving.

How research supports this activity and the styles that are being addressed. There in Bloom’s Taxonomy give me tools to access my students and to   make advancement in evaluating the

Cognitive level of learning. Experiential learning Role-play stimulates the behavior of learning to “reflect the concept that has been given” (Nilson, 2010)

Reading skills are effective in all areas of learning’s I am certain that reading developed vocabulary and also gives students the behavior to motivate students to deal responsibly in doing the assignment. In other word reading open doors to make student make wise decisions. The main point is to give the student a real-life experience and to be able to recite the information there have learned.

The class will be giving a story to read out loud in class and watch a video of the story and apply the knowledge in role-playing. The story will have question and Answer of how it relate today. Does the student use noises or voice inflections to help tell the story? Do they imitate noises? Repeat who said what? Mention how things sounded? (Auditory)

  • Does the student tell about colors, sizes, appearances? Do they use their hands to draw pictures in the air as they talk? Try to give you mental pictures? (Visual)
  • Does the student relate the action in the story without much visual or auditory detail? Tell about feelings? Move around to act out things? (Kinesthetic)

I choose a simple story the first Thanksgiving by Linda Hayward author who gives historical timeline that explores the important of the first Thanksgiving and gives symbolism of why we celebrate the First Thanksgiving. Explore the art of role-playing allow students to be a part of the moment and to reflect personally how did it feel to be a part of history.

Does this lesson unit engage students in researching?

In role play will this allow students to understand the concept of Thanksgiving?

In the reading will students be able to follow the plot of the story?

These questions were in my mind when I decide to correct my lesson unit. I feel that I want to different will feedback from students. I want students to tell me how they interpret the story and does the story apply to them. The main issue what to give them a better understanding that Thanksgiving is every day. To apply the rationale of Thanksgiving. Do be aware that it not a holiday but a concept. To have my student be more open to does who do not celebrate and why. To instill a cultural awareness of what we presume to be the norm in society, to allow students to arise to the standard of being thankful as a life skill.

My overall consideration was to have diversity input from students and have students to explore the reading in creativity. The role play allows them to be stimulated through their assignment.

My goal objective is to make students aware through video, audio, and photographs that showed the period of 1620 when the settlers in camp with the Naïve American Indians. Students will develop an understanding of the concept of Thanksgiving. Students will be able to explore historical events through technology. Students will be able to memorize the dates and understand the information given and be able to interpret the facts in a question and answer a quiz. Students will be creating a timeline chart with a written summary of the importance of the Thanksgiving. The purpose of this activity will give students a broad opinion of why so many people celebrate this Holiday. Does this holiday teach students about cultural diversity? Without cultural diversity would this holiday be symbolism for the structure of society Development and understanding of the similarities of why the Naïve Indians are an important part of American History.

The materials I would need would be all students will need required reading and technology; pen and paper.The role-play would be the material presented in a script document.Costume would be added touch and change the classroom setting to fit the historical events. Explanation of how each of the three learning styles is being met. The visual learner would be acquiring through video and photograph and research on the computer would be addition reading resources. The audio would be required through reading story out loud in class also added to an auditory resource available through other resources on the computers. The Kinesthetic learner will acted out the facts of the events as they lead to the settlement and Naïve Indians beginning a new friendship and started a National holiday. In this activity will this help the class accept the difference of others and does this activity impact the social standards of how we deal with the diversity of others. The main objective is to understanding the foundation of history

In research and requirements through technology and video and reading material. Through orally and writing communication effectively in American History the significant of the first Thanksgiving.

My Curriculum and Instruction will support this unit activity and help develop learning styles that are being addressed. There in Bloom’s Taxonomy give me tools to access my students and to make advancement in evaluating the students in knowledge, understanding, comprehension.

Reading skills are effective in all areas of learning’s I certain that reading developed vocabulary and also gives students the behavior to motivate students to deal with responsible in doing the assignment. In other word reading open doors to make student make more wise decisions. The main point is to give student real life experience and to be able to recite the information there have learned. Theory of behaviorist has been referring me to choose these learning styles.

History and to conduct students in research and requirements through technology and video and reading material. Through oral communication and writing communication students will be able to be effectively in American History. Students will be able to understand the significant of the first Thanksgiving.

The assessment of knowing how my students learned will help me design curriculum that will fit the diversity of students and their learning styles.

Cognitive level of learning. Experiential learning Role-play stimulates the behavior of learning to “reflect the concept that has been given” (Nilson, 2010)

The outcomes of Core Subjects would be global Awareness.

The student would be able to discuss facts that are related to the timeline of the given story.

Students will be able to recognize the data of the given event.

The Support Service is through Curriculum and Instruction. In my Curriculum, I will engage students to recall certain events and included a   timeline map of those events.

Learning /Innovation Skills this skill will give students the ability to enhance and redefine what does this part of history mean to them.

The outcome would be Assessment to reassure that students will understand and recall what there have learned.

Information, Media, and Technology Skills would be Media Literacy

Students will be able to analyze what there have read and discuss in compare what they observe on the video.

Students support would be Learning Environment to help them collaborate with the classmate. The option of independent study would also occur. The class will be able to discuss what their feel toward this assignment. Students will be able to tell me what I could have done to make the unit more engaging

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills. By doing the unit will introduce the different aspect of others celebration of Thanksgiving. Discuss why Thanksgiving is not celebrated in some ethnicity groups.  The question I would like them to critical consider could Thanksgiving be a Religion Holiday?

In redesign Lesson unit I added items that would give students a broader curriculum by added watching video and compare to what there have already read. I also included the concept of critical thinking in asking is Thanksgiving a religion holiday. I address the issue of what some ethnicity group does not celebrate the holiday.


This assignment was a very confusing for I am a visual and hands on learner. I make know excuse but if I had a template of what was asked I think I would have done a better job. I worked on this assignment three days and still was lost. I feel that my life is under stress at this moment. This assignment allows me to research a lot of material that pertain to making a lesson plan or a lesson unit. I have lost my confidence and I am struggle already but because I desire to be a teacher I will press on.  The challenge I face was understanding 21st-century outcome skills. How to apply them to my curriculum. The whole point of the redesign was an issue. At first, I had no lesson plan. Then to create a lesson unit was hard especially when dealing with diversity. Not knowing who were in my class. I had to open the door and just place myself in a classroom of students who was different and had learning styles. The angle was to deal with learning styles I classified that as been diversity. I also had trouble in created a concept to learn. I choose Thanksgiving because it is Universal even for those who do not celebrate. I want also to give the notice of being a life skill when thinking about the concept of Thanksgiving. This was an eye opener to me and I truly had some downs. This has taught me a great lesson to be prepared and to research articles even when you are not working on anything particular.  I want to have a little feedback on learning outcome. I decide to take more than one component an address it through Curriculum and Instruction and Assessment. I also want to make it personal by using Cultural and Social Skills. I also believe that redesign takes a lot of effort.



Nilson, Instructors ,L. (2010)  Teaching at its Best, A Research-Based ResourceInstructors,3rd edition, Jossey- Bass

Keith (1999) Higher Education through open and Distance Learning, London Commonwealth, Routledge Publisher

Instructional Resources | K-12 Education Solutions | Pearson. (2005, March 3). Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

Discussion 1

The article” Differential adoption of Internet-based teaching practices in college geography” The article stated that College will have to broaden their curriculum in order to integrate technology. Recently we had a class that stated that as an educator we will have to extend a better curriculum if we want technology to enhance what we want to teach. This article emphasizes the importance of why now this problem is an emergence. Students who are digital savvy or becoming bored with just lectures and presentation.  The key words of innovation, diffusion, the Internet, and college geography-instruction are ‘ researchers continue to lack systematic data on the processes responsible for the emergence, adoption, and implementation of new instructional technologies” (Solem).

In my experience working on a College Campus, it is true not only in geography but political science and another subject where the faculty is not prepared to take students to the 21st century. The idea of students not wanting to go to class or been bored inside a class become a problem for academic achievement.  The point of Educator not maximum the full potential of students is a failure all by itself. Educator has to train and prepared to deal with the digital era.


Solem, M. N. (2000). Differential adoption of internet-based teaching practices in college geography. The Journal of Geography, 99(5), 219. Retrieved from

Journal 6

The world is ever-changing and been transformed into a cyber-Society. Just last night I  were having a discussion with my book club. That in the last three month four bookstores has closed. I remember on Saturday morning getting up and join the ladies at mama and pa bookstore names Gibson’s loves books store where every room would be colorful.

The couches and love sofa was comfortable. The bagels and daisies were hot and coffee and orange juices.  We would sit for hours reading a good book. Now those times has changed due to eBooks and tablets, etc. Even to the point of us not having to go to the bookstores. We can now order books online and it is delivery to your door.

The theme that 21st-century framework foundation appeals to me is Information, Media, and Technology Skills. The fact that information is everywhere and how we collect and decipher will be importance to our society and we must be prepared for the abundance of information whether collected, storage and interpreted will be the goals. Information has changes we will need to have the skills to deal in an exchange collaboration society.

I also recognize that when 21st-century framework stated that globally we have to be ” Digital-Age Literacy, Basic, scientific, economic, and technological literacies, Visual and information literacies, Multicultural literacy and global awareness”( 21st-century framework). My school is changing their MIC program so that it can efficient of data that goes through campus whether through Administrator, Students, Faculty, and Staff. We are just started to see a changed on the campus, but there is a lot of work to be done. The statement that 21st-century framework sums it up “True equity will require high levels of technology proficiency to ensure broader, more meaningful, and increasingly innovative uses of technology by all segments of the population”(21st-century framework).








21st Century Literacy Summit. (2002). 21st-century literacy in a convergent media world [White paper]. Berlin,

Germany: Author. Retrieved March 2, 2017, from




NCREL & METIRI (2003).                                                                                                                                                                                                                 EnGauge®21st-century skills: Literacy in the digital age. Retrieved from